
  • HTML merkit ovat kiellettyjä.
  • Quoted content can be placed between [quote] tags in order to be displayed as an indented quote. Every [quote] tag must have a corresponding [/quote] tag. For example:

    [quote]This is a simple quote.[/quote]
    is displayed as:

    This is a simple quote.

    Additionally, there is an optional attribute which allows quotes to specify the original author.

    [quote=Mr. Drupal]This is a quote with an attribution line.[/quote]
    is displayed as:

    Mr. Drupal kirjoitti:
    This is a quote with an attribution line.

    Finally, multiple [quote] tags can be nested within one another. Just remember that every [quote] tag must have a corresponding [/quote] tag.

    [quote]I think she says it best...
    [quote=Ms. Quotation]This is a quote nested within another quote.[/quote]
    but you can't argue with
    [quote=Ms. Reply]The more quotes, the merrier.
    Just don't get too carried away.[/quote]
    And I have nothing more to say.[/quote]
    is displayed as:

    I think she says it best...
    Ms. Quotation kirjoitti:
    This is a quote nested within another quote.
    but you can't argue with
    Ms. Reply kirjoitti:
    The more quotes, the merrier. Just don't get too carried away.
    And I have nothing more to say.
  • Rivit ja kappaleet tunnistetaan automaattisesti. Rivinvaihdon kohdalle merkitään <br />-tagi, ja kaksi rivinvaihtoa tuottaa kappaleenvaihdon <p> </p> -tagit. Jos kappaleen vaihtoa ei tunnisteta, lisää pari ylimääräistä rivinvaihtoa.