As quotes in the next chapter show, Mohammed distributed women and girls he captured on raids to be sex slaves for his male followers. He kept some for himself, of course. Otherwise reticent pagan men were thus enticed to become Muslims.
Of course some of Mohammed’s male followers would complain that if they were killed while marauding, they would not get to enjoy the promised extra sex. Unabashed, Mohammed was ready with a shameless retort that is still taken seriously by hundreds of millions of credulous Muslim men, even in today’s world.
In the Koran, he repeatedly redefines Judeo-Christianity’s heaven as an enormous God-owned bordello in the sky. In that heavenly brothel, loyal Muslim men—especially those paying the door price of martyrdom—would find a host of virgins, called houris, who would forever satisfy all their sexual cravings (see Koran 38:51; 44:54; 55:55-74; 56:22, 34-36). In fact, sex with beautiful houris in heaven was guaranteed to be far more enjoyable than any sex Muslim men might miss by being killed while serving God or by trying to have promiscuous sex here on Earth
lauantaina 11.09.2010
As quotes in the next chapter show, Mohammed distributed women and girls he captured on raids to be sex slaves for his male followers. He kept some for himself, of course. Otherwise reticent pagan men were thus enticed to become Muslims.
Of course some of Mohammed’s male followers would complain that if they were killed while marauding, they would not get to enjoy the promised extra sex. Unabashed, Mohammed was ready with a shameless retort that is still taken seriously by hundreds of millions of credulous Muslim men, even in today’s world.
In the Koran, he repeatedly redefines Judeo-Christianity’s heaven as an enormous God-owned bordello in the sky. In that heavenly brothel, loyal Muslim men—especially those paying the door price of martyrdom—would find a host of virgins, called houris, who would forever satisfy all their sexual cravings (see Koran 38:51; 44:54; 55:55-74; 56:22, 34-36). In fact, sex with beautiful houris in heaven was guaranteed to be far more enjoyable than any sex Muslim men might miss by being killed while serving God or by trying to have promiscuous sex here on Earth
– Anonyymi (ei varmistettu)