sunnuntaina 12.09.2010

The Muslim Qur'an (Koran) and Muslim Hadith are unique among all the sacred writings in the entire world -- because they alone counsel its followers to make war on unbelievers. Any thoughtful reader will be forced to admit that evil literally "drips" from their pages. One in every 55 verses in the Muslim Qur'an consists of this fake god Allah insisting that Muslims make war on unbelievers.

As you will see below, the Qur'an is a made up book of gibberish, of evil verses abrogating (superseding) peaceful verses.
The Qur'an cannot be trusted because it contains numerous "divinely inspired" contradictions. If God has a history of abrogating (changing) his own revelations as is done in the Qur'an, then how can we be certain he will not abrogate it again in the future? If Allah can abrogate his eternal speech, how can you trust him with your eternal soul?

Comparing the Bible with the Qur'an "has likewise brought the firm realization that the contrast is stark and astounding. The superiority of the Bible is so transparently evident that one is flabbergasted and dumbfounded that so many human beings have embraced Islam in the last 1,400 years". .. "The Quran lacks this heavenly manifestation of inspiration".


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