sunnuntaina 12.09.2010

Most Muslims do not realize that Islam allows no freedom. This alone should make them realize that it is Satan behind Islam, and not an eternal God. Satan wishes only to enslave Muslims to help him enslave the entire world. He does this by turning them away from the truth -- that salvation is yours already, if you only have faith in God's Son, Jesus. Islam is a religion based on intimidation and fear. The word "Islam" does not mean "peace." Muslims who tell you that the word “Islam” means “peace” are lying to you. The word "Islam" is an Arabic word. The word for peace in Arabic is “solh,” and not Islam. Islam is derived from the root word “taslim,” which means submission or surrender. A Muslim is not allowed to leave Islam or else risk his or her life. At birth, a person is branded either Muslim or non-Muslim depending on one's descent.


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