Islam, being a "Theocracy", is against any form of "democracy" so cannot adapt well to our Western Free Society. If we encourage Islam to take root in our modern, civilized communities, sooner or later there will be a clash, because Islam cannot tolerate any rule, law, custom or thought which is at variance with what is written in the Qur’an. . Islam is a violent, political force functioning in the name of "religion" but aggressively dedicated to "Total World Domination" and must eradicate every trace of influence spread by "Unbelievers and Infidels". Potentially, it is worse than Fascism, Communism and medieval, Inquisitional Catholicism all rolled into one. This can mean physically exterminating its opponents ("JIHAD" in its violent form) if they do not willingly convert to Islam.
As I type this, on the island of Borneo, in Indonesia, about 50,000 non-Muslims are surrounded by "Jihad" warriors, who are determined to Islamize the area in the name of the god, Allah. In the last two years, about 10,000 Christians have been killed by these "religious" fanatics who also, have forcibly converted about 8000 Christians to Islam. It appears that a blood-bath is imminent. In Islamic countries, one can receive a death sentence for converting any Muslim to the Christian Faith, however, If a Muslim renounces his / her faith, the sentence, according to the "holy" Qur’an is DEATH. So much for Islam being a “Religion of Peace” !!
lauantaina 11.09.2010
Islam, being a "Theocracy", is against any form of "democracy" so cannot adapt well to our Western Free Society. If we encourage Islam to take root in our modern, civilized communities, sooner or later there will be a clash, because Islam cannot tolerate any rule, law, custom or thought which is at variance with what is written in the Qur’an. . Islam is a violent, political force functioning in the name of "religion" but aggressively dedicated to "Total World Domination" and must eradicate every trace of influence spread by "Unbelievers and Infidels". Potentially, it is worse than Fascism, Communism and medieval, Inquisitional Catholicism all rolled into one. This can mean physically exterminating its opponents ("JIHAD" in its violent form) if they do not willingly convert to Islam.
As I type this, on the island of Borneo, in Indonesia, about 50,000 non-Muslims are surrounded by "Jihad" warriors, who are determined to Islamize the area in the name of the god, Allah. In the last two years, about 10,000 Christians have been killed by these "religious" fanatics who also, have forcibly converted about 8000 Christians to Islam. It appears that a blood-bath is imminent. In Islamic countries, one can receive a death sentence for converting any Muslim to the Christian Faith, however, If a Muslim renounces his / her faith, the sentence, according to the "holy" Qur’an is DEATH. So much for Islam being a “Religion of Peace” !!
– Anonyymi (ei varmistettu)