Hydropower Hydropower is based on water circulation: The kinetic energy of flowing water is transferred in turbines to mechanical energy. |
Efficient use requires regulation of water masses or building reservoirs. With regulation, it is possible to store energy for dry spells and consumption peaks. The biggest utilizers of hydropower in Europe are Austria, Sweden and Norway.
Hydropower is a significant factor in the Finnish energy supply, and hydropower production is also environmentally friendly. As electricity is produced from water’s potential and kinetic energy, there are no emissions into the atmosphere. There are about 200 small hydropower plants in Finland. Their output varies from 50 KW to 10 MW. The combined annual output of small hydropower plants owned by local energy companies or industry amounts to 900 GWh, or about 10% of all hydropower production.
A new, rapidly growing form of hydropower is wave energy. Wave energy has been used for centuries to a minor extent, but actual utilization only began in the 20th century. The programme shows a few innovations in the beginning of their development cycle: the wave shaver and harnessing the massive kinetic energy of great ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream.