Kirjoittaja lgrohn päivämäärä 15.1.12 - 12:48
Tämä kohta Lassfolkin väikkäristä kertoo omalla tavallaan vakuuttavasti, miten ja miksi semiotiikka on tuhonnut Helsingin yliopiston musiikkitieteen (signifieds/signifiers löytyy väikkärin 21 sivulta ...):
"By unique, Huron means that “no two signifieds may share the same signifier” (ibid.: 16). This property guarantees error-free (or ambiguity-free) translation or interpretation of the representation. Mnemonic refers to associational relation- ships or mappings between signifiers and signifieds, said relationships meaning to help the user to learn or remember the representation. Huron mentions several types of mnemonic relationships. An example of literal mapping is the relation- ship between a graphic music notation symbol and its written name (for exam- ple, a fermata symbol and the word “fermata”). An “initial” mnemonic relationship occurs when a signifier is a letter that equals the written name of the signified; for example, when the letters W, H, and E represent durational values of a whole note, half note, and eighth note, respectively. “Pictorial” relationship refers to (approximate) visual resemblance between signifiers and signifieds; for example, the characters | and & as signifiers for a barline and a treble clef, respectively. Northern Indian tabla notation is an example of “onomatopoeic” mapping (Huron 1992: 20; Bel & Kippen 1992: 208)."