In English


Kapteeni PedroClaudia Nyen ohjaama dokumentti elokuva aloittaa Dokumenttiprojektin uuden sarjan Saman auringon alla. Dokumentti on lähes uskomaton tarina kuubalaisesta perheestä, joka unelmoi elämästä paremmassa maailmassa. Heidän unelmansa voivat toteutua USA:ssa, joka merkitsee heille vapautta. Perhe ei pelkästään unelmoi tulevaisuudesta vaan rakentaa sitkeästi lauttaa paetakseen unelmiensa maahan. Perheen isää, kapteeni Pedroa, ei estä edes USA:n päätös olla vastaanottamatta kuubalaisia pakolaisia.

Kapteeni Pedrolla on kolme toivetta. Hän haluaisi moottorin toimivan, heidän kaikkien olevan turvassa ja perheen syntymättömän lapsen, joka on tarinan kertojana, syntyvän parempaan elämään. Lautta valmistuu viimeinkin ja perhe pakkaa tavarat vanhaan tynnyriin. Merimatka on hankala ja matkalaiset päätyvät kaiken kokemansa jälkeen USA:n tukikohtaan Kuubassa ja lopulta Miamiin. Kapteeni Pedron kolmas toive ei kuitenkaan koskaan toteudu, sillä perheen syntymätön lapsi muuttaa matkan aikana taivaaseen.

  • Ohjaaja: Claunia Nye
  • Tuotanto: Mosaic Pictures, Englanti 1996

In English In English In English


Captain PedroPedro and his family build themselves a raft to join an exodus of penniless Cubans looking for a better life in Florida.

Pedro and his family are Maria Elena (his five-months ppregnant wife), one son and their young daughter. Also with them are Pedro's brother and his wife Joandra who leave their son Jonan behind with his grandparents.

Pedro sells everything he owns including even his bed to buy a Russian-made engine to power his raft but he can't make it work. The complaints of his draft-dodging son and the regrets of his family and neighbours, who are staying behind, are problems Pedro has to face. Ahead of them all are the danger of the sea, the unpredictability of the weather and the sharks who have taste for human flesh. But Pedro is not afraid to leave his home in the fishing village. I'm not afraid , he says I'm only afraid of staying here.

Somehow the family survive the terrible conditions of the trip but only to be rescued by American coast guards and then, irony of ironies, to be taken to ne US Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba where they are effectively imprisoned. Pedro is no longer Captain Pedro but a marked man in a camp, like ,any thousands of others, with no foreseeable future.

Then the politics intervene again and eventually the Clinton Administration changes tack and Pedro's family are allowed in the Land of their Dreams. There they meet with their Americanised relatives and Pedro realises that they have landed into an unknown world of technology, where if you are not in debt, you are nobody.

Florida is too much for them. As Maria Elena exclaims one of my eyes has gone red and hurts. It's the shock of seeing so many things they are not used to, so many colours and such variety.

  • Director: Claudia Nye
  • Production: Mosaic Pictures, hannel 4, Great Britain, 1996


Päivitys: 20.12.1998.U.E.