YLE Teema


Clive & Barbara Canvin

We apologise that this is in English, we don't know Finnish. Last year we spent Christmas in a log cabin in Yllas in Lapland and watched these two guys in an excellent Christmas show which showed us the Finnish Christmas traditions, even though we could not understand the words. It was a wonderful, lovely program to have on while relaxing and wrapping presents. We were wondering if there was any way we could buy a DVD of the program so we can watch at home here in the UK, or whether it is possible to watch on-line?
I hope you are able to reply.
We had a wonderful Christmas in Lapland last year (we had been twice before) and would like to create that atmosphere again here at home this year.

Barbara & Clive Canvin


Yllä olevien sanojen tarkoituksena on estää koneellinen roskapostitus. Pahoittelemme lisävaivaa.