YLE Teema


You can't request more than 20 challenges without solving them. Your previous challenges were flushed.


Mielenkiintoista tosiaan...

"It was Immanuel Kant who, during the European Enlightenment, reasserted and defended materialism. Kant declared that the universe exists for all time and that every probability, however unlikely, should be regarded as possible. Kant's followers continued to defend his idea of an infinite universe along with materialism. By the beginning of 19th century, the idea that the universe had no beginning-that there was never any moment at which it was created-became widely accepted. It was carried into the 20th century through the works of dialectical materialists such as Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels."

Sitten kun huomattiin, että universumilla olikin alku, tultiin ongelmaan, kuka/mikä pani sen alulle. Mitäänhän ei voi tapahtua ilman syytä.


Yllä olevien sanojen tarkoituksena on estää koneellinen roskapostitus. Pahoittelemme lisävaivaa.