sunnuntaina 15.09.2013

Oli hauska huomata, miten tämän viikon Poliitikon aviomies -sarjassa Tennantin hahmo loi twitter-tilin John Smithin nimellä. Googlasin vielä asian ja löytyi tällainen:

"I’m going to make a slight divergence at this point to mention Doctor Who for the second week running. Keen eyes will have no doubt noted the relevance of the false name Aiden adopted for his Twitter account; John Smith, the sudanym the famous Doctor often goes by. But there’s more. His false e-mail address also consisted of the number 789, and at the time of filming on The Politician’s Husband (prior to “The Snowmen” and everything since), that was the total number of Doctor Who episodes there had been. This might seem irrelevant to a review of this episode, but it’s really pleasing as a fan of the show to see the popularity of David Tennant’s defining role being observed. The BBC and creators will be fully aware that no small amount of those watching this will be doing so because of the Tennant factor. ("

Ihanaa, että tällaisia Doctor Who -viittauksia piilotellaan! Niitä on sitten mukava katsomisen lomassa bongailla.

Ja juuri aiheeseen sopivasti varmistuskysymys: Mikä luku tulee yhdeksän jälkeen? ♥


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