^Luin juuri tän tekstin: “By the end of it, Matt told me that he’d worked out this plan that they’d both continue in Doctor Who: do five individual episodes each and three together – would that be ok? It was a nice plan. I think if I’d said yes they’d have gone for it.” Steven Moffat Radio Times'ssa.
Siinä lukee 'it was a nice plan' 'if I'd say yes they'd have gone for it' Eli Moffat ei suostunut, joten sitä ei tule? Vai kuinka? Olisi kyllä ollut mahtava.
perjantaina 25.10.2013
^Luin juuri tän tekstin: “By the end of it, Matt told me that he’d worked out this plan that they’d both continue in Doctor Who: do five individual episodes each and three together – would that be ok? It was a nice plan. I think if I’d said yes they’d have gone for it.” Steven Moffat Radio Times'ssa.
Siinä lukee 'it was a nice plan' 'if I'd say yes they'd have gone for it' Eli Moffat ei suostunut, joten sitä ei tule? Vai kuinka? Olisi kyllä ollut mahtava.
– Titanium (ei varmistettu)