In English


Rauhan puolestaKymmenessä EU-maassa armeijan käyminen on pakollista. Tässä ohjelmassa katsellaan sekä suomalaista että belgialaista näkökulmaa. Visa Koiso-Kanttilan ohjaama osuus kertoo Otsosta, joka kieltäytyy armeijasta vankeusrangaistuksenkin uhalla. Toinen osuus koostuu Esther Praden kertomuksesta 20-vuotiaasta Gwendasta, joka on juuri aloittanut nelivuotisen päällikkökoulutuksen. Tulevaisuudessa hän todennäköisesti työskentelee palkkasoturina Naton tai YK:n tehtävissä.

In English In English In English


Fighting for PeaceSince the end of the Cold war the role of European armies has changed dramatically. Today, soldiers from the EU are more likely to find themselves as part of an international peacekeeping force, than defending their country against external aggression. But old habits die hard. Young people continue to voice their opposition to war. In Finland, 19 year old Otso is prepared to go to jail for his beliefs. He is refusing to do national service, which is compulsory not only in Finland but nine other EU states. The penalty he must pay for refusing the draft is a six and a half month prison sentence. The professional armies of the EU are having great problems recruiting the right calibre of soldier. The Netherlands has a volunteer army and 20-year-old Gweda is starting a four-year officer training course. Her training includes war games against the Belgians, but she knows that it is not other EU countries she will be fighting in the future. She will be working as part of a worldwide initiative, either with Nato or the UN. After all, more than half the butch army is posted overseas as peacekeeper

Päivitys: 13.12.2000 U.E.