In English


Kuka surmasi isäni?Mitä tapahtuu, kun sota loppuu? Kun vallankumous on ohi ja kirjeenvaihtajat lähtevät raportoimaan uusista sodista. Kun kansa ja sen perheet jäävät aloittamaan alusta.

Uudenlaista alkua etsii myös tämäniltaisen dokumentin Sofia, joka lähtee Miamista Managuaan etsimään vastausta kysymykseen Kuka surmasi isäni?

Sofian isä palveli Nicaraguan diktaattorin, Somozan, henkivartiokaartin eversti, hänen siskostaan diktaattoria vastaan taisteleva sandinistisissi. Veli ja sisko olivat vannoneet toisilleen ikuista uskollisuutta. Politiikka muokkasi tilanteen toisin. Sandinistit voittivat ja sisko antoi tappaa veljensä.

Dokumentin Kuka surmasi isäni? (The Labyrinth of Truth/Sanningens labyrint) on ohjannut Ruotsissa syntynyt Nitza Kakoseos, jonka vanhemmat ovat kreikkalaisia. Kakoseos on itse ollut Keski-Amerikassa kirjeenvaihtajana. Dokumentti on ruotsalais-espanjalais-suomalainen yhteistuotanto.

  • Ohjaaja: Nitza Kakoseos
  • Tuotanto: Electra Media, Ruotsi, 2000

In English In English In English


The Labyrinth of TruthThis film is to be about Sofia Santacruz, daughter of a colonel in the service of the Nicaraguan dictator Somoza. I shall follow Sofia on her journey back to Nicaragua and her search for the truth about her father's past.

This truth is being concealed from Sofia today by her mother, her grandmother, relatives, acquaintances and other key characters around her. But Sofia wants to penetrate the mystery surrounding her father's death and seek the key to his secrets. She has decided that, when the situation demands, she will assume the role of "investigative journalist", and during her stay in the country she will keep a diary. The diary entries will provide the link between the information she collects and the film's progression. Sofias voice reading the entries will be the film's first-person narrator. It is a very sad story that Sofia will try to piece together.

Sofia Santacruz was just 11 years old when her father was shot in the neck on a deserted road between Leon and Managua, the capital of Nicaragua. The Sandinista revolution had been won and the search for Somozistas, helpers and supporters of the deposed dictator, had begun. The secrecy and circumstances surrounding her father's death have plagued her ever since the day he died and she was immediately forced to leave Nicaragua for a long exile in Miami.

The official version was that he was shot while trying to escape. But Sofia does not believe that version. Sofia is obsessed with the idea of clearing her father's name, and finding answers to her questions. Deep down, however, she knows that she will also discover the full truth about who her father really was. It is that final piece of the jigsaw puzzle that Sofia needs if she is to become whole and be reconciled with her fate ... and with her aunt Alexandra, whom the entire family has turned its back on.

  • Director: Nitza Kakoseos
  • Production: Electra Media, Sweden, 2000

Päivitys: 4.10.2000 U.E.