In English


HuijausMediaillan 3 dokumentin putken aloittaa Huijaus (Hoax). Saksalainen Michel Born joutui vankilaan huijattuaan useita televisioyhtiöitä myymällä niille tekaistuja dokumentteja muun muassa Klu Klux Klanista ja huumeiden salakuljetuksesta Saksaan. Hoaxissa Michel Born näyttää uudestaan, miten yksinkertaisin keinoin hän tuotti kohutut dokumenttinsa.

  • Ohjaaja: Victoria Mapplebeck
  • Tuotanto: Faction Films, Iso-Britannia 1998

In English In English In English


HoaxHoax is a documentary portrait of Michael Born, a media frauster recently imprisoned for selling 40 fake documentaries to German TV. Hoax explores the current crisis in media ethics and investigative journalism.

The Born scandal reveals the intellectual decline towards market tabloid TV. Born is the anti hero and through his "rakes progress". Hoax will address the pitfalls of this increasingly formulaic TV market.

In the last six months Born has lost over 50 kgs. He chain smokes and spends his days in prison writing his life story. He rings me once weeks from prison, sometimes to keep me up to date on the appeal, but usually to discuss his latest escape plans.

Where are all the prisons that will house all the members of the media who have ever lied to us? ...Born was imprisoned for religious reasons. He just happened to be the one that caught at the deception which is part of business as usual for the Media...That was his sin. Without wanting to he did the right thing. He helped up a mirror to the media system. Only a few gazed into it. (Quotation: Thomas Frickel, TV Director)

  • Director: Victoria Mapplebeck
  • Production: Faction Films, Great Britain, 1998


Päivitys: 23.2.1999 U.E.