Wind power Wind is born from the movement of air masses. The sun warms the Earth surface and air. Air expands as it warms up and it rises up, which causes low pressure underneath, and this in turn attracts colder air. A wind power plant transforms the kinetic energy of wind into rotating movement and further into electricity. |
The Finnish national climate strategy sets a goal of building 500 MW of wind power by 2010, which equals 1,1 TWh power production. Germany and Denmark are the European leaders in existing wind power capacity, but also Spain has increased its proportion of wind energy significantly in the recent years. In the Nordic countries, Norway and Sweden have great plans for wind power. Norway aims to have 1,000 MW by 2010, and Sweden wants to produce 10 TWh/a with wind power by 2015.
The documentaries show that new wind power parks are build on open seas. Britain has developed an aerogenerator which revolves around its vertical axis, and this may enable the building of a giant wind power plant of 20 MW.