
Day 7 - Round 2

A "bit" of listening today; I could handle listening the majority of the players today, my ears however, started ringing at some point in the afternoon, and I had to leave... In all, great playing, diverse pianists/musicians; didn't like everything, but that's natural. Great level, and I have to say -referring to some silly comments- that this is no second class selection of pianists, by no means.

If I may have the right to criticize, I would say the following: it is often amazing that gifted and hard-working pianists don't spend five (5) minutes in order to learn new words concerning new pieces -the same concerns their teachers, in case they had the opportunity to work with some... (words like aérien for example, or an expression like plaintif et douloureux should say something to professionals... and I guess this is not a matter of taste).

Lots of Brahms today, all kinds of his piano writing. On the other hand, no Brahms concerto anymore possible for the final, nor Bartok. 4 times Tchaikovsky 1st: scary indeed... Tomorrow more transcriptions, today just one.

Yes, some more disappointing writing from the critic of Helsingin Sanomat today as well, after the fiasco of Tuesday... not to mention that he forgot -in today's text- to write something about everybody from Tuesday evening... it's getting annoying! Not to mention anything about journalist's objectivity, argumentation, reasoning, etc.

Good luck to tomorrow's semi-finalists, enjoy the weather!


Thursday May 31st, late... very late.


(On Mr Blinov) continue over here PLEASE!

you can continue your debate over here...

... I tried to talk to "Mr" Blinov earlier today, it seemed -how can I put it- impossible...

Well, my dear colleague, I won't argue with you; not because we obviously disagree, but you mostly cannot even understand the other side's arguments: this is more important than agreeing or not...

So, yes, somebody answered to you on many of your comments.

Here's what I believe: you grew up with competitions, you know only competitions, competitions are your life... (prove me wrong!!!) But, while they are a part of reality, still they're not a natural procedure. Let me explain: you see, humans exist for thousand of years, play the piano in the way we know it for under 200 years, and compete -as if it's a sport- for about 30-40 years. I can't call this natural. For you it's very important. Well, pianism and music will survive, because, it doesn't matter how you play on competitions, it rather matters how you play in concerts!

My advice to you: get a life! Discover things -other than sports and music, go to a rock concert if you can't escape music (yes, they can be fun), do something before you realize that you spent the best years of your life in competitions and judges...


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