
Day 8 - Round 2

A day full of great performances again. Maybe even better than yesterday... at least according to the jury; and probaby the audience if I judge from its reactions. 5 finalists from today, one from yesterday.

Did my share of listening again, missed though two finalists; from those I can just be surprised in the final. No Brahms concerto, I wrote yesterday, 3x the Brahms trio however, and only twice Shostakovich -the one mostly selected by the competitors- and one Ravel (this might make a difference). Only 2x Tchaikovsky first, from one Rach 3, Saint-Saëns 2nd, Chopin 1st, Liszt 1st. I guess, Leif Segerstam will have some fun -the finalists too.

The comments are keep flowing -showing still some narrow minded colleagues, not to mention the characterization coward... the last concerns the fact that some chose to post critical comments -in a very bitter and unprofessional way- in the pages of fellow colleagues where one suppose to support them. It's OK, the whole world can read those comments and get an idea about them. (and me of course, but I've been blogging over half a year and one can find my opinions and arguments over there signed -and occasionally discussed...).

Congratulations to the finalists! Enjoy the weekend! The rest can have some nice beer or wine in the local bars -and of course they can enjoy their vacation...


Friday June 1st -a black day in the Finnish law history: smoking is banned from the restaurants -no, I don't smoke...

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