
Day 9

Another free day for most of us. The finalists -once again congartulations!- are practicing with the string players and the office is, well, open...

A few general things I'd like to write today.

First of all the audience: I found it quite cold. Don't be surprised, I can explain myself.

First I thought it was me -my playing- that caused a rather short applause last Saturday. Then I went to listen to some colleagues in the first round; the audience reactions there -combined with their reaction as well after Henrik's turn, right before me in the first round, gave me this impression of a cold audience... Actually, after 6 competitors it wasn't anymore an impression, but rather a sure feeling.

It was disappointing to see locals getting screams (I got some too), bravi and apssionate applauses, only because their friends were sitting there. Don't get me wrong, I highly estimate the Finnish audience, and it's not about the bravi or the pleasure screams. One return to the stage after 45 minutes of playing is simply not rewarding: isn't it the reason -if we talk about rewards- why we play??? Was it really so boring the playing of many? Do we get very often talented and yound pianists gathered in Helsinki?

The comparison with the Sibelius or the Paulo competition is inevitable and negative for the Maj Lind. There are however some similarities, as far as the audience s concerned. Some people noticed it, in the very same YLE pages of the Paulo competition, that students of the Academy went to listen only the ones they personally knew. 150 pianists are at the Sibleius Academy, if not more. I'll go a bit further and ask this: there are two more music professional institutions in Helsinki, the conservatory, and the polytechnic; where were their students? Remember that Roope Gröndahl is a former student of the conservatory; the hall would be full in his performances if only a handful of his former colleagues would show up...

I can of course understand, that 10€ for a half day ticket is a lot for them. They could ask for more discount officially through the institutions, and I'm sure that the Sibelius Academy would be more than glad to do them a favor. Am I wrong?

Going back to the academy's own people: don't know, it just felt that they were often bored to clap; I was sitting in the balcony, so, this feels a bit strange. Why even bother to come if you have not the will to listen carefully? Nobody is obliged to be there, I think... I did that - and by the way I didn't feel at all obliged to listen to people I already knew from my years here, on the contrary... and I'm sorry I didn't listen two of the finalists in their second round for sport/recreational reasons.

That's all folks. Good luck in your trio finals!


Saturday June 2nd

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