YLE Teema


YLE Teema

How nice to hear that you enjoyed the programme! Sorry to have kept you waiting for an answer.

There is a pretty comprehensive selection of Veijo Vanamo and Jaakko Kolmonen's cookery programmes in our online archives service, Elävä arkisto. Just search for "kolmonen vanamo".

All clips should be viewable internationally, so if you encounter technical problems, you can contact Elävä arkisto at elava.arkisto(at)yle.fi for help.

Some clips can also be downloaded as (not terribly high-quality) mp4 files: "lataa ohjelma tiedostona", in the right-hand column on the page.

And here are some direct links to their Christmas programmes:

Joulu ennen vanhaan ("Christmas in the old days"), 1977, split into shorter clips

Perinteelliset jouluruoat ("Traditional Christmas dishes"), 1971, in one part

Joulusilliä ja lipeäkalaa ("Christmas herring and lutefisk"), 1972, 9 minute clip

Joulun rääppiäisruokia ("Dishes from Christmas leftovers"), 1972, in one part

Unfortunately there is not room here to translate the recipes, but do remember that lutefisk absolutely requires ground allspice to work at all.

Happy Christmas!

Lauri Itäkannas
Web content editor
YLE Teema


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