Akuutti - Terveyttä, tietoa, tunteita




teksti-tv s.374 tekstitys s.334 digiteksti-tv s.374 MHP-lisäpalvelu

Akuutti Health Magazine

Akuutti is weekly health magazine on the YLE (Finnish Broadcasting Company) TV2 channel that deals with all things related to health and well-being with a fresh and daring approach.

It reports on the latest advances in medicine, gives advice on how to lead a healthy life and brings questionable methods of treatment into the public eye.

Akuutti does not shy away from straight talk, let alone humour: a recurring character on the show called 'Martti the Hypochondriac', is a regular Finn who tackles men's health issues with an approach any man can relate to.

Akuutti - TV2 PL 277 90101 OULU | YLE | Asiaohjelmat ©2006