
Kolmen kopla

Kolmen kopla

Miten asetat kolme alle viiden vanhaa samaan kuvaan niin että kehtaat sitä esittääkin? Noh otetaanpa fiksut vaatteet, kevätjuhla ja lapset: 4,5 vuotias joka jännittää ja täpinöi, 2,5 vuotias jota ei voisi vähempää kiinnostaa mä haluun päikkäreille mun on väsy! ja vielä jottei tehtävä ole liian helppo otetaan mukaan vielä sisarusparven nuorin yksi vuotias vauhti veikko, kaahari joka ei ole edes sitä sekunttia paikoillaan...

or hops- depending upon the

or hops- depending upon the all important "PATH" setting. Digipeaters keep track of the packets they forward for a period of time, thus insurance preventing duplicate packets from being retransmitted. This keeps packets from circulating in endless loops inside the ad-hoc network. Eventually most packets are heard by an business cards APRS Internet Gateway, called an IGate, and the packets are routed on to the Internet APRS backbone (where duplicate packets heard by other IGates are discarded) for display or analysis by other users connected to an APRS-IS server, or on a website designed for the purpose. While it would seem that using unconnected and unnumbered packets without acknowledgment and retransmission credit report on a shared and sometimes congested channel would result in poor reliability due to a packet being lost, this is not the case due to the fact that the packets are transmitted (broadcast) to everyone, and multiplied many times over by each digipeater. This means that all digipeaters and stations in range get a copy, and then proceed to broadcast it to all other digipeaters and stations within their range. The end result is that packets are multiplied more than they are lost. Therefore, packets can sometimes be heard some distance from the originating station. Packets can be digipeated tens of kilometers or customer service even hundreds of kilometers depending on the height and range of the digipeaters in the area.


Lapsista saa parhaat kuvat odottamalla sopivaa hetkeä. Se, että istuttaa ne poseeraamaan tuottaa usein juuri tällaisia kuvia. Parhaat on niitä, joissa lapset eivät edes huomaa olevansa kuvattavina. Pitää siis ottaa paljon kuvia ja "väsyttää" ne unohtamaan kameran läsnäolo.