



Sinun tulee kirjautua sisään muokataksesi tätä kuvaa.

The academic discipline of

The academic discipline of international relations pays little heed to crime control and the academic discipline of criminal justice lacoste shoes pays little heed to international politics, note Peter Andreas and Ethan Nadelmann early in "Policing the Globe." That has left a lacunae they have nicely filled in their study of the rise of international cooperation in policing -- and where it might go from guess shoes here.http://stopthedrugwar.org/files/policingtheglobe.jpg You couldn't come up with a better pair to tackle this subject than Andreas and Nadelmann. Andreas, a professor of political science and international relations at Brown University, has done extensive work on the US-Mexico border. And I assume most readers are familiar with Nadelmann as head of the Drug Policy Alliance, where he serves as celine shoes the country's most prominent drug reform advocate. But in addition to being an activist, Nadelmann is an academic with a long interest in the internationalization of crime control. In fact, he laid much of the groundwork for "Policing the michael kors shoes Globe" with his 1993 "Cops Across Borders," published by Penn State University Press.


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Hauska tilanneotos, siitä kiitos!

voi pyhä sylvi, mikähän

voi pyhä sylvi, mikähän tässäkin on tarkoituksena? aivan järkky, epämiellyttävä. kuvauksellisesti ei mitään...

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kyllä tässä on jotain

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hauskin kuva

Sirkuskuvan muokkaus on hauskinta sen monien yksityiskohtien ja värien takia.