#71086 - 20-09-2003 16:35
San Remo MM-ralli 2003
Rekisteröitynyt: 05-10-2002
Viestejä: 2025
Rally Sanremo's stages 14 stages for the 2003 edition [19/09/03 - 23:18]
Round eleven of the World Rally Championship will take place in Italy. The start of the 45th running of the Rally Sanremo will be in the first week of October. Here is the list of the stages :
Friday 3 October SS 1 PERINALDO 1 12.40 km 08:38 SS 2 CEPPO 1 36.42 km 09:26 SS 3 COSIO 1 19.19 km 12:25 SS 4 S.BARTOLOMEO 1 25.31 km 13:17 SS 5 PERINALDO 2 12.40 km 15:54 SS 6 CEPPO 2 36.42 km 16:42
Saturday 4 October SS 7 TEGLIA 1 52.30 km 09:20 SS 8 COSIO 2 19.19 km 12:26 SS 9 S.BARTOLOMEO 2 25.31 km 13:18 SS 10 TEGLIA 2 52.30 km 15:52
Sunday 5 October SS 11 VIGNAI 1 26.54 km 09:12 SS 12 COLLE D'OGGIA 1 21.52 km 09:54 SS 13 VIGNAI 2 26.54 km 12:28 SS 14 COLLE D'OGGIA 2 21.52 km 13:10
Leg one 551.24 km, including 142.14 km of timed distance (6 stages)
Leg two 491.06 km, including 149.10 km of timed distance (4 stages)
Leg three 333.52 km, including 96.12 km of timed distance (4 stages).
Vain 14 pätkää koko rallissa! Ja 6 eri pikistä... Kohta on tietenkin niin, että koko rallissa on vain 2 pikataivalta, joista toinen mikkihiiripätkä, joita sitten ajetaan kymmeneen kertaan.  [Edited]
#71088 - 23-09-2003 08:31
Re: San Remo MM-ralli 2003
Rekisteröitynyt: 08-11-2002
Viestejä: 13873
Vain 20 WRC-autoa
#71091 - 25-09-2003 18:57
Re: San Remo MM-ralli 2003
Rekisteröitynyt: 05-10-2002
Viestejä: 2025
Se on taas Bukalskikin mukana.. Kuinkahan pitkään hän tällä kertaa pysyy tiellä? Yksi, kaksi vaiko peräti kolme erikoiskoetta?
#71092 - 26-09-2003 06:50
Re: San Remo MM-ralli 2003
Rekisteröitynyt: 05-10-2002
Viestejä: 2025
Gilles and Sebastien should shine Sanremo : Team by team analysis
Panizzi will be the favourite to win once again The next three World Rally Championship events should be closely contested. Even if the French cars seemed to have a clear advantage on asphalt, the performances of Markko Martin and Petter Solberg in Germany show that Ford and Subaru are now able to compete at the same level as Peugeot and Citroën. We should get a clearer picture on the performance level of each teams during the stages of the Rally Sanremo.
Peugeot Sport No matter which team is going through a good phase, Peugeot is still considered to be the team to beat. Firstly because the 206 WRC is one of the most competitive car on asphalt and secondly because the French constructor has a major asset in their team: Gilles Panizzi.
The winner of the past three editions of the Italian event, Panizzi is looking forward to this rally to erase the disappointment of Germany. The next three rallies should suit the French driver extremely well. Peugeot is expecting a lot of Gilles Panizzi to distance Citroën in the Constructors' Championship.
Even if he was considered for a long time as a gravel specialist, Marcus Gronholm proved on many occasions that he has the ability to be competitive on asphalt. Second last year at the Sanremo, the Finn is looking to duplicate this performance or to do even better this time.
For Richard Burns, Sanremo is probably one of the most difficult race of the season. The Briton has never been able to succeed in the Italian event. Richard was fourth in 2002 but retired in the previous editions of the race. His target will be to score more points to stay in the lead of the championship.
Citroën Sport If Peugeot have Panizzi as an asphalt specialist, Citroën can count on Sebastien Loeb for the same reason. The Frenchman won the first two asphalt rallies of the season (Monte-Carlo and Germany) and knows that the next three rounds of the championship will be crucial for him if he wants to win the title. Loeb didn't participate in the Sanremo last year but finished second in 2001. Sebastien will be aiming to bring another victory to Citroën.
Colin McRae won twice in Italy (1996 and 1997). The Scotsman isn't too successful so far this season and now that his contract with Citroën hasn't been renewed, it will be very important for him to show what he can do. A win - or at least a podium finish - would confirm that he still has what it takes to succeed in the WRC.
In his long and glorious career, Carlos Sainz has never been able to win in Italy. Nevertheless, the Spaniard finished many times on the podium in the past. Now second in the championship, Carlos knows that he needs to score as many points as possible if he wants to stay in front of the young generation that includes Sebastien Loeb and Petter Solberg.
Ford Rallye Sport Markko Martin set many fastest stage times in Germany but couldn't get a good result because of gearbox problems. Fifth in the Sanremo last year, the Estonian knows that his new Focus has the potential to achieve a much better result.
Francois Duval was at the wheel of a Ford Puma last year and finished the Italian event in 20th place. The Belgian is having ups and downs this season but he was competitive in Germany on asphalt.
Mikko Hirvonen's most familiar surface is not asphalt. The young Finn will be trying to gain experience at the Sanremo and help his team score a few more points.
Solberg will aim for another podium finish Subaru World Rally Team Winner in Cyprus and Australia, Petter Solberg is now one of the top drivers in the championship. At least on gravel, where his Impreza is at its best. Petter finished third last year in Italy and should be able to repeat his performance this year.
Tommi Makinen is now freed from all pressure after announcing his retirement at the end of this season. Winner in 1998 and 1999 at the Sanremo, the Finn will be aiming to finish on the podium once again.
Skoda Motorsport The new Fabia is still in a development phase but some progress is starting to show. The two Skodas were able to reach the finish in Australia, which is already an improvement compared to the results in the previous events.
Didier Auriol knows the Sanremo very well, winning three times the race (1990, 1991 and 1994). His last participation was in 2001, where he finished in third place.
His teammate Toni Gardemeister had to retire last year in SS 14 after a small mistake.
Hyundai World Rally Team It is still not clear if Hyundai will be at the start of the Sanremo. The Korean team is facing a serious crisis at the moment. A conflict with MDS - the company who prepare the Accent WRC for the World Rally Championship - might paralyse its activities.
Freddy Loix and Armin Schwarz didn't get wonderful results last year in Italy. Freddy had mechanical problems and finished the race in 28th place while Armin retired in the very first stage of the event !
The most important for Hyundai will be to make it to the start this year and so far nothing is decided yet.
#71096 - 26-09-2003 19:14
Re: San Remo MM-ralli 2003
Rekisteröitynyt: 05-10-2002
Viestejä: 2025
Jos et parempaan pysty, niin vaihda välittömästi formulapalstalle [Edited]
#71105 - 27-09-2003 20:36
Re: San Remo MM-ralli 2003
Rekisteröitynyt: 05-10-2002
Viestejä: 2025
Henkka päätti panostaa ralliin, koska se oli siihen aikaan turvallisempaa kuin formulat. Tosin sitten vuosina 1985 ja varsinkin -86 tilanne taisi olla päinvastainen... Henkan isä Pauli Toivonen ajoi omana aktiiviaikanaan jäärataa, asvalttirataa ja rallia. Toivosen kolmas rattimies Harri on ajanut myös rallia ja rataa. Mika Häkkisen eräs karting-auto oli Henrin entinen.
Tuohon Fordin tilanteeseen sen verran, että autoon ei kannattaisi lyödä mitään uusia osia vielä... Tärkeintä olisi saada se luotettavuus kuntoon. Ainoastaan Akropolis-rallissa Märtinillä laitteet toimivat moitteettomasti. Ironista, sillä kyseinen ralli on Kyproksen kanssa MM-sarjan kovimpia autoille... Muissa kisoissa ongelmia on ollut jos jonkinlaista.
Ai niin... Myös Alén on ajanut rallin ja asvalttiradan lisäksi jäällä ! Siis monitoimimies hänkin! San Remossa tuli voitto Stratoksella 1978 ja Korsikalla 1983 ja -84 037 Rallylla. Jääratatouhujahan Alén harrasti Ranskan Andros-sarjassa Opelilla. Hän myös pääsi kokeilemaan Formula ykköstä 1989. Hannu Mikkola teki saman tempun 1984, Juha Kankkunen -93 ja Tommi Mäkinen -98. [Edited]
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