Hynttyyt yhteen
Eri aloilla on viimeisten vuosien aikana luotu melkoinen määrä erilaisia nettialustoja ja portaaleja ja millä nimellä tahansa niitä kutsutaankin. Näin on ollut myös dokumenttielokuvalla. Nyt useat päätoimijat ovat pistäneet hynttyyt yhteen.
Muunmuassa Leibzig DoK, EDN ( European Documentary Network) Sunny Side Of Doc, Eurodoc, Zelig ja IFP ovat luoneet yhteisen nettialustan, jonka tavoitteena on kerätä yhteinen tietopankki niin tuottajista, tuotannoista, commisisoning editoreista kuin akentaa myös sosiaalsita verkostoa toimijoiden kesken.. Osoite on www.reelisor.com
Alustan tavoaite on:
As a navigator for existing platforms and websites, reelisor offers guidance and information throughout the whole year. Its mission is to encourage training, education and the exchange of knowledge within the international documentary film market and its related fields.
reelisor is a freely accessible tool for networking. It connects documentary film professionals, commissioning editors, festivals, markets and other initiatives active in the industry. With its European focus, reelisor grants insights into current productions and topics.
The Platform
reelisor offers a platform to market yourself in a professional context
links documentary filmmakers from Europe and all over the world
conveys expertise and contacts offers insight into current productions, company profiles etc. summarises the content of the Documentary Campus Open Training Sessions and other events organises forums connected to industry events such as the Documentary Campus Open Training Sessions, enabling aftercare and a link-up of the participants visiting the events offers interactivity offers a way to manage and expand your network
Our Mission
reelisor is committed to powering relationships for all professional people in the documentary film industry. The highest priority of reelisor is to create and secure a high level of quality with regard to the participants and the content of the website. As an umbrella platform, reelisor does not wish to compete but create synergies with other websites from the documentary film business. Ja osoite on www. reelisor.com