Rahaa jenkeistä
ITVS on yksi tärkeimmistä kansainvälisten dokumenttielokuvien rahoittajien maailmasta. San Fransiscosta on saanut huomattavan summana rahaa mm. Arto Halosen Pyhän kirjan varjo ja muutama muu suomalaistuotanto on ollut ns. huulilla.
ITVS on nyt muuttanut hakuaikaansa, joka on jo joulukuussa ja turvautuu myös Facebookiin pyrkiessään pitämään yhteyttä kansainvälisiin kontakteihinsa.
Eli tässä kirje auringosta:
Greetings from San Francisco!
We're contacting you to announceÝour new International Call deadline: December 10, 2010 for International Call 2011. This is a big change from last year, so please note it in your calendars now.
PLUS we invite you to join the [ITVS] International Documentary Group on Facebook: share your news, read global doc news, see great clips, get updates on funding, and more, more, more! The best thing is, you set the agenda. We're listening, and we want to hear about your projects, what you're excited about, what trends you're seeing in the global doc community.
Join the group here: http://bit.ly/ITVSIntlGrp
Regarding our funding and International Call:
This funding is for production and post-production funding only, for international producers and filmmakers making documentaries with international content. Ý
Even if youve previously applied for funding, you are welcome to apply again with the same project or an entirely new one.
Please read our submission guidelines that describe and explain what kinds of documentaries we are looking for and what working with us entails: http:/itvs.org/funding/international
Please note: we do not provide research and development funding in this Call.
You can find the submission guidelines at http: //www.itvs.org/funding/international. ÝYou can also check out what we have funded through the International Initiative :http://www.itvs.org/series/global-perspectives-collection .
If you have questions, please feel free to email us, skype us, facebook us and we will get back to you!